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Booking Widget

Loading property data …


Create a widget instance by embedding the following code within your webpage inside the <body> element:

<div id="Bs-BookingWidget"></div>
.addEventListener("load", () => {
BookingSüdtirol.Widgets.Booking("#Bs-BookingWidget", {
id: undefined,
propertyId: undefined,
lang: "de",
privacyURL: "/path/to/privacy/page",
termsURL: "/path/to/terms/page",
onBookingSuccess: (reservation) => {
// Called after successful booking
onEnquirySuccess: (reservation) => {
// Called after successful enquiry

Include the <script … src="" …></script> element exactly as specified. Do not self-host a copy of the script and do not include its code into a JavaScript bundle file. Otherwise the widget will not work correctly.


Use BookingSüdtirol.Widgets.Booking(domElement, settings) to create new widget instances.

Method arguments

domElement: string | DOM element

The CSS selector or DOM element where your widget will be mounted.

settings: object

Initialization options. See API below. Each widget instance can have it's own settings.

URL parameters

The following list of settings can also be passed over the URL.

  • propertyId
  • lang
  • arrival
  • departure
  • currentMonth
  • layout
  • guests
  • defaultOfferList
  • offerId
  • roomId
  • utm_medium
  • utm_source
  • utm_campaign

Notice that URL parameters always overwrite widget instance settings.

// Example[[18,18],[18,4]]


id: string

The widget ID


Mandatory field

propertyId: number

ID of the property/accommodation


Mandatory field. The property must already have been activated for the widget.

accommodationId: number

Deprecated. Use propertyId instead.

privacyURL: string

Defines the URL to the privacy policy page of the website where the widget is embedded. The language used on the page must match the lang field.


  • /en/privacy

Mandatory field

termsURL: string

Defines the URL to the general terms and conditions page of the website where the widget is embedded. The language used on the page must match the lang field.


  • /en/terms

Mandatory field

lang: string?


  • de: German (default)
  • it: Italian
  • en: English
  • fr: French

arrival: string?

Defines the arrival date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd)


departure: string?

Defines the departure date in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd)


currentMonth: string?

Defines the displayed calendar month in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd)


guests: number[][]?

Determines the number of rooms and their occupancy in the form of the age of each person.

  • 18: adult
  • 0-17: child
// Examples

// room 1: 2 adults
[[18, 18]];

// room 1: 2 adults, 2 children (14 - and 5 years)
[[18, 18, 14, 5]];

// room 1: 2 adults
// room 2: 1 adult, 1 child (4 years)
[18, 18],
[18, 4],

// room 1: 2 adults
// room 2: 1 adult
// room 3: 2 adults, 1 child (3 years)
[[18, 18], [18], [18, 18, 3]];

// Produces error because no adults were submitted

// Produces error because more than three rooms were submitted
[[18], [18, 14], [18], [18]];

Default value: 2 adults [[18,18]]


You can add a maximum of three rooms.

occupations: number[][]?

Deprecated. Use guests instead.

layout: string?

Determines the layout of the extended widget

  • one_pager (default)
  • four_steps
  • compact

defaultOfferList: string?

Determines which offer list is displayed by default.

  • rooms (default)
  • specials (If no specials are available, it automatically falls back to rooms.)

offerId: number?

Enables you to display a specific special via its ID.

Loading specials …

roomId: number?

Enables you to display a specific room via its ID. The ID can be read either via the MSS interface or the following chart.

Loading rooms …

promotion: [string | null, string | null, string | null]?

Enables you to customize the advertising fields medium (ResID_SourceContext), source (ResID_Source) und campaign (ResID_Value) and submit them to the PMS.

How exactly the fields are to be filled has been precisely defined in the AlpineBits Standard and can be read in the corresponding documentation in section 4.2.5 Implementation tips and best practice.

["Advertising medium", "Advertising source", "Advertising campaign"];

Default value: [null, null, null]

ASA promotion fields

The Google Analytics parameters utm_medium, utm_source, and utm_campaign offer the possibility to submit the fields individually.

For example, the URL would submit ['metasearch', '', 'tripadvisor_desktop'] to the PMS.


Using this feature will set a 30-day tracking cookie. In this case, add the cookie bs_widget_promotion to your Privacy Policy. If you want to prevent the cookie from being set, insert the code window.BookingSüdtirolTrackingConsent = false; before the widget is loaded.

source: string?

Enables the widget to be installed on portals with multiple properties. For this functionality, please contact support directly.

onOccupanciesChange: (guests: number[][])? => void

Function called after guest occupancies were changed / added / removed.

onStaySelection: (stay: object)? => void

Function called after a stay was selected in the calendar.

arrival: string; // ISO 8601
departure: string; // ISO 8601
isValid: boolean; // Is selected stay bookable
guests: number[][];

onBookingSuccess: (reservation: object)? => void

Function called after successful booking.

onBookingError?: Function

Function called after failed booking.

type OnBookingError = (
reservation: Reservation,
error: { code: number; message: string },
) => void;

onRequestSuccess: (reservation: object)? => void?

Deprecated. Use onEnquirySuccess instead.

onEnquirySuccess: (reservation: object)? => void?

Function called after successful enquiry.


onEnquirySuccess uses the same reservation object as onBookingSuccess, with the exception that price information and detailed offer infos can be missing.

Reservation structure

interface Reservation {
bookingId: number;
arrival: string; // ISO 8601
departure: string; // ISO 8601
nights: number;
price: number | null;
offers: {
id: number;
title: string | undefined;
price: number | null;
service: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
room: {
id: number;
title: string | undefined;
code: string | undefined;
roomSeq: 1 | 2 | 3;
roomType: 1 | 2 | undefined;
adults: number[];
children: number[];
extras: {
id: number;
title: string;
amount: number;
price: number; // price per additional service
property: {
id: number;
name: string;
guest: {
gender: "" | "m" | "f";
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
email: string;
phone: string;
street: string;
city: string;
zipcode: string;
country: string; // ISO 3166-1
note: string;
payment: {
invoice: boolean;
method: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 256 | 512 | undefined;
company: {
name: string;
taxnumber: string;
street: string;
city: string;
zipcode: string;
country: string; // ISO 3166-1
/** @deprecated use property instead */
accommodation: {
id: number;
name: string;

Example with Google Adwords

The example shows the tracking of a booking with Google Adwords.

${CONVERSION_ID} and ${CONVERSION_LABEL} are placeholders.

BookingSüdtirol.Widgets.Booking("#Bs-BookingWidget", {
// ...
onBookingSuccess: () => {
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("alt", "");
img.setAttribute("height", 1);
img.setAttribute("width", 1); = "none";


As the user interacts with the widget, events are generated in the background for the following interactions:

Google Analytics 4

The user selects travel dates in the calendar.

search_termHardcoded search termSearch booking availability
arrivalArrival Date2022-02-04
departureDeparture Date2022-02-11
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


Available rooms and additional services are shown to the user.

items.item_list_idRateplan ID49143
items.list_nameRateplan titleZimmer Preise
items.item_idRoom ID25723
items.item_nameRoom titleDoppelzimmer Deluxe
items.quantitySelected items0
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user views the room list of a specific offer.

items.*See view_item event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user opens a rateplan for a specific room.

items.*See view_item event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user adds rooms or additional services to the cart.

items.item_list_idRateplan ID49143
items.list_nameRateplan titleZimmer Preise
items.item_idRoom ID25723
items.item_nameRoom titleDoppelzimmer Deluxe
items.quantitySelected items1
items.adultsNumber of adults2
items.childrenNumber of children0
items.pricePrice without discount550
items.discountDiscount value170
items.item_variantBoard ID2
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user removes rooms or additional services from the cart.

items.*See add_to_cart event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user starts to enter his personal informations.

items.*See add_to_cart event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user adds payment informations.

payment_typePayment method ID2
items.*See add_to_cart event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user completes a purchase.

valueReservation price380
transaction_idUnique reservation ID1234567
couponCoupon titleWINTER_2022
items.*See add_to_cart event
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget


The user completes an enquiry.

transaction_idUnique reservation ID1234567
affiliationWidget typeHGV Booking Widget